Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sometimes you just gotta flow cuz even the dark wants to live

Sometimes you just gotta flow
My life is a calm flow except for the rattling of my own chains that keep me bound.
 Haunting me to find where those edges live.Tangled in some forgotten dark place of the past. Forever learking never to be freed, unless i am willing to journey back to that place they say? I refuse to go down that road? Not even sure it is understandable just feelings. But when it comes calling often in the dark of a cold winter night. I have no choice but to surrender in those times. All I can do is wait for day break and remember that was then and this is now. For the time left to live is shorter then the life that has gone by! No need to be chasing ghost to find pieces lost long ago. All I can do is flow!

I will breath you in
Mmmmmm life.
Im talking to you!
Whispering to the wind  about you.
Talking to the moon to deliver
messages to you!
Swoon over you!

Moving forward in slow low gear
to balance this craziness just a-bit.
Cuz baby the world feels like
 its about ready to blow!!!
I the world could use love train
right about now!!!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Feeling Spring

Come journey awhile

Take me to your shoreline challenge me to leap in.

Nothing to do but flow.

Where the sea is wild in motion but tender in spirit.

Come journey
Tell me all that you are curious
about, all that you love, and struggle with. 

Feel the wind. Hear the trees speak, birds sing,ferns dance, stars light up the universe!

Come be in love if only for this moment. Not the next, nor tomorrow or a lifetime. Just in this moment .

For wanting more dose not have anything to do with love.

Retract your edges. Breath deep and leap in  with full abandon, curiosity, and celebration!. Knowing this risk is only momentary. although these moments could add up to a life time.

may what we build in the moments of our lives  contribute to the light needed to reflect and meet the world with a tender, fierce  curious wild heart of love for ourselves. For justice and for the world! May it be so.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cooper's hawk in Library of Congress Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hawk is a messenger to native peoples,  akin to mercury ruler of words and communication.
Hawk medicine-teaches us to be observant. Observe the obvious in everything.
Hawk magic- you are as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive, and use your ability's!
Hawk's call pierces the state of unawareness and asks you to seek truth, to ask our self, what is really going on here?With all the revolution/evolution happening in the Middle East for democracy, we in this country are trying to hold on to this ideal. The changes made to the constitution of this country  with The Supreme Court decision Citizen United v Federal Election Commission, 130 s.ct. 876 (2010), giving corporations the same rights as people, now legally allows corporations to dump loads of money into buying people/ politicians who will fight against worker's rights increasing the profits and power of the corporations. President Barrack Obama stated that the decision "gives the special interests and their lobbyist even more power in Washington- while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates."Obama also stated "this ruling strikes at our democracy itself and I can't think of anything more devastating to the public interest". On January 27, 2010, Obama further condemned the decision during the 2010 state of the union address, stating that,"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the flood gates for special interest- including foreign corporations- to spend without limit in our elections. Well i don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interest, or worse, by foreign entities."
The influence of that decision can now be seen manifesting in Madison Wisconsin and other states  between the people and Scott Walker over collective bargaining rights, According to Wisconsin campaign finance fillings, Walker's gubernatorial campaign received $43,000 from the Koch industries PAC during the 2010 elections.He then got punked by a reporter pretending to be David Koch.
Video link            
Governor walker made it clear in this video who he working for during this conversation! Although we have a so called democracy in this country it is clear it is being undermined by the Citizen United v Federal Election Commission, 130S.CT.876 (2010) decision allowing corporation to support candidates by contributing loads of money to candidates and their campaigns, who will then work toward deregulating and undermining protection for workers, people and the environment for profit.
The ever-widening disparities between the rich and the poor, between the powerful and powerless, and who goes to jail for crimes and who doesn't is undeniably evidenced by the fact that not one banker or broker has been jailed for the Great Wall Street Robbery of 2008. The fact that not one person has been held accountable for the sub prime mortgage fraud precipitating our economic melt down, and the public complacent embrace of thirty years of deregulation for banks and corporations, and tax advantages for corporations and the wealthy speaks to the demise of democracy in this country!
Hawk teaches us to observe the obvious!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The beauty of this moment?

It is miserable out and i have to walk the dog. It is raining on the already snow covered ground. All tracks have turned to ice. As i scan the landscape for something to bring me into some alignment, to discover the aha of this moment, it is just not happening.The dog has even had enough and turns around a quarter of the way  into our walk. This thrills me, and the beauty of this moment is discovered! To go back inside, drink some hot broth and watch the fierceness of this winter storm pass by.

February Freeze

Wind howls from the north. It is so cold within seconds it penetrates the bottom of my feet through my boots. The frozen wood cracks as i walk across the deck. I am alone and the only light out here is from the reflection of the snow covered ground. I start to shiver uncontrollably. February is always the hardest month for me and often i am unaware as to why, but on this night it stops me dead in my tracks as my body recalls a time so long ago. I am three. I am walking briskly with my father and my brother as he clenches tightly to our hands.We move swiftly through the side streets making our way  to my aunt's house. The only light is from the occasional street light that fades as we pass underneath it. Our long shadows  vanish out of the lights reach. I was three when my mother died, and although i was unaware of what that meant then, somewhere in me  the loss and the pain lives  rising up as though it just happened on this cold February night. As i make my way through the  snow, the tears freeze on my face just like they did that night on my fathers face February 8th 1967. I am reminded to remember this grief lives in me.

Morning thaw

Chickadees await the morning sunrise along with crows, blue jays, woodpeckers and numerous other creatures for the warmth of the sunrise to melt the ice of a February  New England freeze.They come alive with excitement calling out in glorious song for their first drink of the day! In a collective romp through the tree tops, drinking up the freshly melted ice with joyful exuberance.